Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

My dear friends!  Merry Christmas to all who celebrate today!  
Wishing you every wonderful thing that a wonderful holiday season could bring! 

My #Christstollen 😍 (with drunken raisins and apricots) made with Olga's (@karpytsch on Instagram ) receipt. Soooo yummy!  

Рождественский штоллен по рецепту от Ольги (@karpytsch в Инстаграм). Получилось очень вкусно! Небольшие изменения: немного уменьшила количество специй кроме ванили (я не фанат большого количества пряностей) и без цукатов, только изюм, курага и миндаль замоченные в роме. Буду печь еще, новая партия сухофруктов в процессе 😍

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Gifts for new babies

I've not posted here for a long time again... found that Instagram picture format is better for me to show my work in progresses and other pictures. Anyone is welcome to follow my Instagram to stay tuned :)
Find me as @tetianaotruta on Instagram.

There are my new "old projects": Completed in summer, kept them secret for some time, then forgot to show. Gifts for my dear friends Jane and Oksana and their babies.

Delicate baby blankets and NB hats are hand knitted with lightweight and soft merino wool yarn.


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